Privacy Policy
regarding the processing of personal data


1.1. This Policy is implemented by ANO (AUTONOMOUS NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION) "CAC (CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE CENTER) of the Belgorod Region" (TIN (TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER) 3123455934 OGRN 1193100000499) (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator") in relation to the processing and protection of personal data of individuals (subjects of personal data) on the basis of Article 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

1.2. The Policy applies to all personal data that may be obtained by the Operator in the course of its activities, including personal data of the Operator's clients. The processing of personal data by the Operator is carried out in accordance with the following regulatory legal acts:

• Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On Personal Data");
• Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 687 of September 15, 2008 "On Approval of the Regulation on the Specifics of Personal Data Processing carried out without the use of automation tools";
• other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of executive bodies of state power.

1.3. The purpose of the Policy is to communicate to persons providing their personal data the necessary information to assess what personal data and for what purposes are processed by the Operator, what methods of ensuring their security are implemented, as well as to establish the basic principles and approaches to the processing and security of personal data in the Operator.

1.4. The Policy ensures the protection of the rights and freedoms of subjects when processing their personal data with or without the use of automation tools, as well as establishes the responsibility of persons having access to personal data for failure to comply with the requirements governing the processing and protection of personal data.

1.5. Users, using the Operator's services and facilities, services and facilities posted on the Operator's website and (hereinafter referred to as the Website), by providing the Operator with their personal data, including through third parties, acknowledge their consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with this Policy. In case of disagreement with this Policy in general, as well as in case of disagreement with any paragraph of this Policy, the User shall refrain from using the Services.

1.6. The Operator receives and starts processing the Subject's personal data from the moment of receiving his/her consent. Consent to the processing of personal data may be given by the Data Subject in a form that allows confirming the fact of obtaining consent, unless otherwise provided for by federal law:

- in writing and/or
- by means of the Personal Data Subject's conclusory actions (ticking the checkbox under the relevant form for entering personal data) when using services on the Operator's website, using feedback forms and accepting offers containing provisions on personal data processing in accordance with the applicable law. In the absence of the Personal Data Subject's consent to the processing of his/her personal data, such processing is not carried out.

1.7. Consent to the processing of personal data may be revoked by the subject of personal data. In case the personal data subject revokes his/her consent to personal data processing, the Operator shall have the right to continue processing personal data without the consent of the personal data subject if there are grounds specified by the applicable law.

1.8. This Policy may be amended by the Operator. The Operator has the right to make changes to this Policy at any time at its sole discretion, subject to prior notification of the User. When changes are made to the current edition, the date of the last update shall be indicated. The new edition of the Policy comes into effect from the moment of its posting on the web server, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Policy.

1.9. This Policy is applicable only to the information about the User obtained in the course of using the Operator's Services. The Operator does not control and is not responsible for the processing of information about the User by third party websites, which the User can access via links available on the Operator's official web server.


• personal data - any information relating to a directly or indirectly defined or identifiable natural person (personal data subject)
• personal data operator (operator) - a state authority, municipal authority, legal entity or individual, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) carrying out processing of personal data, as well as determining the purposes of personal data processing, composition of personal data subject to processing, actions (operations) performed with personal data;
• processing of personal data - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) with personal data performed with or without the use of automation tools. Processing of personal data includes, but is not limited to: collection; recording; systematization; accumulation; storage; clarification (updating, modification); extraction; use; transfer (distribution, provision, access); depersonalization; blocking; deletion; destruction.
• automated processing of personal data - processing of personal data by means of computer equipment;
• dissemination of personal data - actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to an indefinite number of persons;
• provision of personal data - actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to a specific person or a specific group of people;
• destruction of personal data - actions, as a result of which it becomes impossible to restore the content of personal data in the personal data information system and (or) as a result of which material carriers of personal data are destroyed;
• personal data information system - a set of personal data contained in databases and information technologies and technical means ensuring their processing;
• personal data subject - a natural person, directly or indirectly defined or determined on the basis of Personal Data relating to him/her.


2.1. For the purposes of this Policy, personal data shall mean any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified natural person (subject of personal data).

2.2. Depending on the subject of personal data, the Operator may process personal data of the following categories of subjects in order to carry out its activities and fulfill its obligations:

• Customer data - information necessary for the Operator to fulfill its obligations under the contractual relations with the Customer and to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. It also includes data provided by prospective customers, customer representatives authorized to represent customers; managers and chief accountants of legal entities that are Operator's customers, persons who have entered into civil law contracts with the Operator for provision of Operator's services; employees of Operator's partners and other legal entities having contractual relations with the Operator, with whom Operator's employees interact within the framework of their activities;
• Customer's personal data provided when registering on the Website, as well as when using the services, forms of communication posted on the Website;
• personal data of other individuals who have expressed their consent to the processing of their personal data by the Operator or individuals whose personal data processing is necessary for the Operator to achieve the purposes provided for by the international treaty of the Russian Federation or by law, to exercise and fulfill the powers and obligations imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
• personal data of individuals, which are made publicly available by them, and their processing does not violate their rights and complies with the requirements established by the Personal Data Legislation.

2.3. The Operator hereby informs the Personal Data Subjects that within the framework of the personal data provided on the Website by the Operator, subject to the consent of the Personal Data Subject to the processing of personal data, expressed in ticking the appropriate box under the form of personal data collection or clicking on the appropriate button, may process the following personal data: name, surname, telephone number; e-mail address (E-mail).


3.1. The Operator processes personal data to carry out its activities, including for rendering services to Customers. The Operator has the right to:

• perform the functions assigned to the Operator by the legislation of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law “On Personal Data” and other laws and regulations of the Russian Federation, as well as the Charter and regulatory acts of the Operator;
• the Operator collects and stores the Customer's personal data necessary for the provision of services, execution of agreements and contracts, fulfillment of obligations to the Customer.

3.2. The Operator shall process personal data only if at least one of the following conditions exists:

• processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the personal data subject to the processing of his/her personal data;
• the processing of personal data is necessary to achieve the purposes provided for by law, for the implementation and fulfillment of the functions, powers and duties assigned to the operator by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
• processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of an agreement to which the personal data subject is a party or a beneficiary or guarantor, as well as for the conclusion of an agreement at the initiative of the personal data subject or an agreement under which the personal data subject will be a beneficiary or guarantor;
• processing of personal data is necessary for realization of rights and legitimate interests of the Company or third parties or for achievement of socially important purposes, provided that the rights and freedoms of the subject of personal data are not violated;
• processing of personal data to which an unlimited number of persons have access by the personal data subject or at his/her request;
• processing of personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure in accordance with federal law.

3.3. The Operator and other persons who have access to personal data are obliged not to disclose to third parties and not to disseminate personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided for by federal law.

3.4. The Operator may process personal data of personal data subjects for the following purposes:

• to identify the subject of personal data;
• for organizing and conducting the said contest.

3.5. The Operator does not process special categories of Personal Data concerning racial, national origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, intimate life.


4.1. The terms of personal data processing are determined based on the purposes of processing in the Operator's information systems, in accordance with the term of validity of the contract, agreement with the subject of personal data.

4.2. The condition for termination of personal data processing may be the achievement of the purposes of personal data processing in accordance with the terms of the agreement concluded between the Operator and the personal data subject, expiration of the consent or revocation of the
personal data subject's consent to the processing of his/her personal data, as well as detection of unlawful processing of personal data.


5.1. In order to achieve the objectives of Article 3 of this Policy, only those employees of the Operator who have been assigned this obligation in accordance with their official (labor) duties are allowed to process personal data. Access of other employees may be granted only in cases stipulated by law. The Operator requires from its employees to observe confidentiality and security of personal data during their processing.

5.2. The Operator has the right to transfer personal data to third parties in the following cases:

• the personal data subject has explicitly expressed his/her consent to such actions;
• the transfer is stipulated by Russian or other applicable legislation within the procedure established by the legislation.

In this case, the acquirer shall assume all obligations to comply with the terms of this Policy in relation to the data received by it.

5.3. Upon a reasoned request of the authorized body and in accordance with the legislation in force, the personal data of the subject without his/her consent may be transferred:

in connection with the administration of justice to judicial authorities;

• to the police, federal security service, prosecutor's office, investigative committee;
• to other authorities and the Operator authorized by the current legislation and applicable legal norms in cases set forth in regulatory legal acts binding on the Operator.


6.1. The Operator uses automated and non-automated processing of Personal Data in the process of service provision, in the course of internal business activities.

6.2. The Operator has the right to entrust Personal Data Processing to another person with the consent of the Personal Data Subject, unless otherwise provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, on the basis of a contract concluded with this person, the mandatory condition of which is compliance by this person with the principles and rules of Personal Data Processing stipulated by the Federal Law “On Personal Data”.

6.3. Personal Data shall not be disclosed to third parties or otherwise distributed without the consent of the Personal Data Subject, unless otherwise provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.4. Representatives of public authorities (including controlling, supervisory, law enforcement and other authorities) shall have access to Personal Data processed by the Operator to the extent and in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.5. Within the framework of personal data processing, the following rights are defined for the Personal Data Subject and the Operator.

6.5.1. The personal data subject has the right to:

• receive information regarding the processing of his/her personal data in the manner, form and terms established by the Personal Data Legislation;
• to demand clarification of his/her personal data, their Blocking or Destruction in case the personal data are incomplete, outdated, unreliable, illegally obtained, are not necessary for the stated purpose of processing or are used for purposes not stated earlier when the Personal Data Subject gave his/her consent to the processing of personal data;
• take measures provided for by law to protect his/her rights;
• revoke his/her consent to the processing of personal data.

6.5.2. The Operator has the right to:

• process personal data of the Personal Data Subject in accordance with the stated purpose;
• demand from the Personal Data Subject to provide accurate personal data necessary for the execution of the agreement, provision of services, identification of the Personal Data Subject, as well as in other cases stipulated by the Personal Data Law; restrict the Personal Data Subject's access to his/her personal data if the Personal Data Processing is carried out in accordance with the legislation on combating legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime and terrorism financing;
• to process publicly available personal data of individuals;
• to process personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
• to entrust the processing of personal data to another person with the consent of the Personal Data Subject.

6.6. In case of confirmation of the fact of inaccuracy of personal data or unlawfulness of their processing, personal data shall be subject to their actualization by the operator, and processing shall be terminated.

6.7. Upon achievement of the purposes of personal data processing, as well as in case of withdrawal of consent to processing by the subject of personal data, the personal data shall be destroyed, unless:

• other is not provided for by the contract to which the subject of personal data is a party, beneficiary or guarantor;
• the operator may not carry out processing without the consent of the subject of personal data on the grounds provided for by the Federal Law “On Personal Data” or other federal laws;
• unless otherwise provided for by another agreement between the Operator and the subject of personal data.

6.8. The Operator shall be obliged to inform the personal data subject or his/her representative of the information on the processing of personal data of such subject at the latter's request.

6.9. The Operator shall also have other rights and bear other obligations established by the Federal Law “On Personal Data”.

7. All suggestions or questions regarding this Privacy Policy should be sent to the e-mail address: